Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Maca PowderMaca, a root that belongs to the radish family, is grown in the mountains of Peru. Sometimes called “Peruvian ginseng,” maca’s benefits have been long valued, and now have been rediscovered as a supplement and ingredient. Maca comes in pill, liquid and powder form.

There are no known side effects of maca but like any other supplement it should not be taken in large amounts. When you first start using maca it’s best to begin by taking smaller amounts and building up; no more then 2 tablespoons (of the powder) should be taken daily. Taking too much can lead to adverse effects and throw your hormones out of whack. If you experience this, you should take less or wean yourself off completely.

Maca is good in smoothies, yogurts, salads, drinks, cooked food, shakes and juices. Don’t add it to anything that’s very hot because it will lose all its benefits. The taste can be a bit odd at first but it gets more tolerable and it depends on what you mix it with. Smoothies, shakes, yogurts and juices seem to be the best ways to use maca powder and liquid. Capsules are best to get past the taste.
Please be aware that other than the nutritional benefits provided by the vitamins and minerals, the other benefits are documented though anecdotal, as maca has not been formally studied.

Maca is rich in vitamin B12 and protein, which is very helpful for vegans. It also keeps you healthy by providing vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids

Sexual function
Maca is widely used to promote sexual function of both men and women. It serves as a boost to your libido and increases endurance. At the same time it balances your hormones and increases fertility.

For women
Maca relieves menstrual issues and menopause. It alleviates cramps, body pain, hot flashes, anxiety, mood swings and depression. If you are pregnant or lactating you should avoid taking maca.
Within days of using maca your energy level may increase. It is also known for increasing stamina. Many athletes take maca for peak performance. If you find yourself tired most of the time, experiment with maca to see if it helps. Just a small amount could be exactly what you need for a boost!

General health
Maca helps your overall health in a number of ways. It supplies iron and helps restore red blood cells, which aids anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Maca keeps your bones and teeth healthy and allows you to heal from wounds more quickly. When used in conjunction with a good workout regime you will notice an increase in muscle mass.
But be very cautious if you have a cancer related to hormones like testicular and ovarian, among others. If you have liver issues or high blood pressure you should ask your doctor before taking maca.
Many take macs for skin issues, as for some people it helps to clear acne and blemishes. Another benefit for your skin is that is decreases sensitivity. In hot or cold weather, maca may help your skin withstand extreme temperatures.

Mood balance
If you find yourself overcome with anxiety, stress, depression or mood swings, maca may help alleviate these symptoms, though of the evidence is anecdotal. Some have reported an increase in mental energy and focus.


Weight Loss without Starvation
Energy Boost
Efficient Digestion Detoxification
Cardiovascular Health
Low Blood Sugar
Brain & Sleep Health
Cancer Prevention
Slows Down Aging
Balanced Nutrition

Chia Seed - Ten Benefits from this Power Food and Brain Food
By Christopher Westra
Author: Harmony Earth 30 Day Energy Diet

Do you want to increase your brain power and body strength with one of the most powerful foods imaginable?

Chia seed

Here are ten benefits to using chia seed in your life. Chia seeds are:

1. Nutritious. Chia seed provides ample calcium and protein to your tissues. The seeds are also rich in boron, which helps the body assimilate and use calcium. The nutrients also support proper brain functioning.

2. Water loving. The seed can soak up ten times its weight in water. Do this fun experiment. Put one tablespoon of chia seed in a cup of water and stir. Wait a few hours and see what happens. When inside your body, the seeds help you stay hydrated longer, and retain electrolytes in your bodily fluids.

3. Easily digestible. The shells are easily broken down, even when swallowed whole. This is an improvement over flax seed, which have to be ground up to be digested properly. If you eat flax seed whole, it will just pass through.

4. Concentrated. If I could only take one cup of food for a few days, I'd choose chia! The food value per volume is simply astounding. You don't need much.

5. Mild tasting. Unlike some seeds, the flavor is very mild. The mild taste makes it easy to put in sauces, smoothies, breads, puddings, and whatever you want. They won't really change the taste, but will add to your nutrition!

6. Energy enhancing. The health pioneer Paul Bragg did an experiment an endurance hike with friends. They divided up into a chia-eating group and another group, who ate whatever they wanted. The group eating only chia seeds finished the hike four hours, twenty seven minutes before the others, most of whom didn't even finish at all.

7. Versatile. The seeds can be used to replace less-healthy fat in just about any recipe. You can use them uncooked in salad dressings, spreads, fruit shakes, ice cream, and just about anything you want. You can also add them to cookies, cakes, muffins, and other baked goods. I usually just mix in a couple of teaspoons to my juice or water and drink them down!

8. Slimming and trimming. Yes, the seeds will help you lose weight, for two reasons. The first reason is that they are so filling that you will eat less of other foods. The second reason is that they actually bulk up and cleanse your body of old "junk" in your intestines.

9. Endurance enhancing. Chia seeds are known as the "Indian Running Food". Also, the ancient Aztec warriors used chia seed during their conquests. I'm a runner, and I've used chia seed to enhance stamina and endurance on my mountain runs, some of which are several hours long!

10. Regenerating. After eating, the nutrients travel to the cells very quickly due to the ease in digestion and assimilation. Use them when you want to build or regenerate healthy body tissue.
I hope to give you some recipes soon, but go ahead and experiment. Chia seed is great for those who want to increase their energy on the Harmony Earth 30 Day Energy Diet.

Note - Try adding some to this awesome raw chocolate fudgerecipe that my boys and I just developed!
Another fun recipe is Wisdom Light Chicken Soup.

Christopher Westra is the author of "The Harmony Earth 30 Day Energy Diet". Learn Ten Simple Secrets to Harmonize Your Body with the Earth and Increase Your Energy and Vibration in 30 Days!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Making Fermented Plant Juice

Objective: To gain skills in making and using fermented plant juice in
composting, gardening and livestock production.
Time Req: 30 minutes to prepare materials for fermenting; One month to
ferment; 10 minutes to periodically collect fermented plant juice; 15
minutes to mix and spray fermented fruit juice in gardens, pig pens,

References: Gardening for Nutrition in the Upland Villages of the Golden Triangle,
Korean Natural Farming

Machete, ripe fruits (banana, papaya, etc.), brown sugar, scales,
ceramic crock, brown wrapping paper (or newspaper), twine, syringe
pump for collecting the fermented plant juice, plastic bottles or jugs,
backpack sprayer.

Based on traditional Korean farming, indigenous microorganisms
(IMO) found in fermented plant juices and other materials reportedly
quicken the decomposition process of compost. Many farmers also
claim that supplemental IMO’s help to improve soil fertility when
fermented plant juice solutions are sprayed on fields, as well as to
strengthen the ability of crops to resist pests. There are also claims that
floral differentiation is increased when fermented plant juices are
sprayed on plant leaf surfaces. UHDP has noticed that applications of
fermented plant juice solutions help to reduce odor in and around
livestock pens.

Step 1 – select plant materials to be fermented
 With the help of UHDP personnel, select 1-2 kg of mature
sweet fruits such as pineapple, banana or papaya. Non-sweet
banana stalks or bamboo shoots may be selected for use as

Step 2 – cut up larger plant materials
 Larger items, such as papaya and pineapple fruits, banana
stalks, and bamboo shoots should be sliced into smaller chunks
that will fit through the mouth of a ceramic crock.

Step 3 – mixing with brown sugar
 If sweet fruits are used, thoroughly mix 1 kg of prepared fruit
with 1 kg of brown sugar and place the mixture into a ceramic
crock. If non-sweet plant materials are used (e.g. banana
stalks, bamboo shoots), mix in about 2 kg of brown sugar with
1 kg of prepared fruit and place into an urn.2
Step 4 – fermentation of the materials

 Fasten brown wrapping paper (or newspaper) over the mouth
of the urn. Place the urn in a cool, dry place that’s out of direct
sunlight. Allow the mixture to ferment in the urn for a month,
taking care not to disturb it.

Step 5 – collecting and storing the fermented plant juice
 After a month, a brown fermented liquid will have begun to
collect at the bottom of the urn. This liquid, in which IMO’s
are found, can be sucked out with a long syringe pump, then
stored in a plastic bottle or used directly. Always cover the
mouth of the urn with wrapping paper each time after
collecting fermented plant juice. Also, be sure to store the urn
or stored fermented plant juice in a cool, dry location that’s out
of direct sunlight.
 For practice, extract the fermented plant juice from the bottom
of an urn for either immediate use or for storage.

Step 6 – long-term management of fermenting plant juice
 Given proper storage, the plant-sugar mixture should continue
to ferment over the next few months during which the IMO
liquid can be accessed for use. However, the mixture should
be inspected from time to time. We can tell that the mixture
has expired when the residues in the urn have turned
completely black. However, the presence of a white mold over
the materials indicates that the mixture is still viable.

Step 7 – use of fermented plant juice
 The fermented plant juice can be mixed with water to make a
spray solution for application to plants, field and garden soil,
compost heaps and animal pens at a rate of 1 teaspoon of
fermented juice per liter or 1.5 tablespoons per 20 liters.

 For practice, collect some fermented plant juice from either an
urn or a storage bottle, mix it with water according to
recommendations for use in a backpack sprayer and apply the
solution in the garden or in animal pens.

I'm making research on how to make an alternative solution in a organic farming.  I can use this soon.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Chilli peppers reveal red-hot health benefits

A fresh look at siling labuyo

Siling labuyo (Capsicum frutescens) has the potential to reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cataract, and macular degeneration.  This was stressed by Dr. Evelyn B. Rodriguez, professor from the Institute of Chemistry at the University of the Los Baños (UPLB) in a seminar on indigenous plants for health and wellness at the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) during its 19th National Research Symposium and in celebration of the 8th National Agriculture and Fisheries R&D Week.

Also known as the chili pepper, siling labuyo is among the indigenous plants that the Department of Agriculture (DA) promotes through the Indigenous Plants for Health and Wellness RDE Program” of BAR.  The said program aims to promote and highlight the importance of indigenous plants and its products.

The fruit of siling-labuyo is a popularly used as a spicy and chili condiment while its leaves are usually consumed as vegetables.

In medicinal terms, the labuyo fruit was earlier utilized as an herbal plant to ease arthritis and rheumatism.  Likewsie, the labuyo is an effective cure for dyspepsia, flatulence, and toothache.

“Phytochemicals are what people need to stay healthy,” Dr. Rodriguez stressed in her presentation.

Phytochemicals are chemical compounds that are abundant in fruits, vegetables and other plant species.  These naturally-occurring compounds which act as anti-oxidants capable of metabolizing free-radicals in the body that can cause cell death.
In chili pepper, carotenoids and phenolic acids are the phytochemicals that can be derived from its leaves and fruits.

Based on the studies conducted by the team of Dr. Rodriguez, the anti-oxidant activity of siling labuyo extracts (300ppm) in terms of free radical scavenging activity is 60.1%.  Meanwhile, phenolic content of fruit and leaves of labuyo are 3536mg/Kg and 839mg/Kg fresh sample, respectively.

Dr. Roriguez encouraged eating a variety of fruits and vegetables to acquire the phytochemicals present in them along with its promising health and wellness benefits.
Moreover, Dr. Rodriguez pointed that more studies should be done on siling labuyo and with other indigenous plants like malunggay.  The potential disease-preventive mechanisms of pyhytochemicals in fruits, vegetables and their constituents are not limited to antioxidant activity only.  The phytochemicals can also act in the modulation of detoxification enzymes, stimulation of the immune system, alteration of cholesterol mechanism, and blood pressure reduction.

Hot Benefits from Siling Labuyo
For sure, every Filipino knows hot pepper or siling labuyo (Capsicum Frutescens L.).
It can be found everywhere in the backyard gardens in provinces and a favorite condiments of our lolo’s and lola’s. Siling labuyo is the famous ingredient of the proudly pinoy dish “Bicol Express”.

But, did you know that siling labuyo also gives a lot of health benefits aside from that of condiments?

Siling Labuyo contains capsaicin – it is a chemical compound that causes the burning sensation in the mouth. With that hot and burning feeling, capsaicin triggers the brain to kick out flood of endorphins, a natural pain killer of the body that promotes sense of well being and stimulation.

Siling labuyo gives an amazing relief to arthritis and rheumatism. It brings down blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol, prevents blood clots, halts bleeding quickly, knocks out cold and flu miseries. It also reduces risk of heart diseases and tuberculosis. In addition it is an ulcer healer.

Currently, there are numerous of studies going on for the medicinal applications of siling labuyo since it is associated with therapeutic actions such as: aphrodisiac, diaphoretic, expectorant, neural stimulant, rubefacient, synergist vasomotor stimulant, topical vasodilator, etc.

The best remedy to combat the fire of siling labuyo are dairy products such as milk, yogurt, or even ice cream. Starchy foods like white bread, mashed potato or cooked white rice also have a neutralizing effect on the natural alkaloids of capsaicin.
However, alcoholic beverages are just about the worst thing to drink when consuming chili because they tend to increase the absorption rate pf capsaicin within the body.

Chilli peppers reveal red-hot health benefits

Habanero, jalapeno, Scotch bonnet — those hot but tasty varieties of the capsicum frutescens have multiple health benefits — including the ability to drive prostate cancer cells to kill themselves, according to a report in The Washington Times.

A research team from the University of California at Los Angeles and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center found that the hot stuff in peppers — capsaicin — caused 80 per cent of active prostate cancer cells growing in mice to "follow the molecular pathways leading to apoptosis" or cell death.

The cancer cells essentially committed suicide. What's more, the cancer tumours of the mice treated with a hot pepper extract were one-fifth the size of untreated mice. "Capsaicin had a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture," said Dr Soren Lehmann. "It also dramatically slowed the development of prostate tumours formed by those human cell lines grown in mouse models."
According to Dr Lehmann, the mice were fed a dose of pepper extract equivalent to what a normal person might consume — 400 milligrams of extract three times a week. That amount translates to three to eight fresh habanero peppers.
Other research has shown peppers to have antioxidant properties, and their anti-inflammatory properties have been tapped for treatment of migraines, arthritis and muscle pain. Hot peppers also have been found to suppress appetites and clear a stuffy head and are a good source of vitamins A, C and E, folic acid and potassium.


My tita Sabel is a natural herbalist she has all the herbal plant in her backyard. She introduces to me the wonders of Siling labuyo. She mentioned, Siling Labuyo healed her almoranas?  She said it is good in potassium, arthritis, anti-inflammatory, etc. She said taking Sili Labuyo as capsule can make you strong in your old age. To prove she’s right I made my own research. And somehow my tita is right.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Euphorbia hirta (Tawa tawa, gatas gatas)

tawa tawa

Euphorbia hirta, known in the Philippines as "Tawa-tawa" or “gatas-gatas,” is a hairy herb grown in open grasslands, roadsides and pathways. This indigenous plant is claimed to have a curative effects on dengue patients as being backed up by personal testimonies, it became one of the most popular “folkloric medicine” for dengue in the Philippines. However, despite its widespread use, there is no evidence to support this claim.
The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), the health research arm of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) spearheads studies to assess the curative component of Tawa-tawa for dengue. Aside from Tawa-tawa the PCHRD-DOST also look into other indigenous plants that has components possible for dengue cure this includes kamote (Ipomea batatas), bawang (Allium sativum), papaya (Carica Papaya), tanglad (Cymbopogon citrates), luyang dilaw (Curcuma longa), ampalaya (Momordica charantia) and oregano (Coleus aromaticus Benth).
As evidence of its continuing support and commitment to advance herbal medicine research in the country, PCHRD-DOST recognizes researchers with excellent research on herbal medicine through the PCHRD – Gruppo Medica Award. One of which were the study on tawa-tawa conducted by the University of Sto. Tomas.
Mixed messages have been presented by representatives of the Philippine government. The Department of Health (DOH) says tawa-tawa is not enough for critical dengue patients, and urges oral rehydration therapy[citation needed]. Others, like former Health Secretary Jaime Galvez Tan, is actively promoting the herbal medication.[4] There is a large difference between cases of dengue without hemorrhagic fever and those with, along with the 4 serotypes, recommended treatment may vary depending on the specific presentation of dengue.
The plant also found in Sri Lanka and Indian Subcontinent. In Sri Lanka, tawa-tawa is known as "Kepum keeriya".

My son got dengue fever or even in simple fever, I always see to it that he takes  a tawa tawa concoction in his glass. And then fever is gone such amazing plant.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Good News: Ashitaba, 'Amazing Dahon'

Thanks for posting. I'm so excited to try the recipes.

Health Benefits of Artemisia

Artemisia vulgaris belongs to the Artemisia species that have mugwort in its name. It is called a common mugwort, and is also known as Felon herb or St. John's Plant. It originates from Asia, Europe and Africa. This perennial grows up to 2 meters high, has a firm root, dark-green hairy pinnate indented leaves and small flowers with multiple red or yellow petals. The flowers are arranged on capitula and bloom from July through September.
In Ukrainian language mugwort has a namechornobylnik, translated as “mugwort growth place” and it is mentioned in the Bible, as well as there's an actual city called Chernobyl.
Artemisia capillaries (wormwood) is a perennial of about 1.20 m height, native to the wild of the East Asia. Its is woody bushy herb that has aromatic gray-green leaves and pale yellowish discoid-shaped flowers. The herb is also known as yebra lenna yesca in traditional Chinese medicine where it is valued as liver tonic and general cleanser.
Although mugwort and wormwood are close relatives within the genus, these are not identical species as it often is assumed.
In cultivation, Artemisia is tolerant to the wide variety of climatic conditions. It just requires enough sunlight during the day and well drained soil. Grown in dry soil, the plant turns out to be more aromatic and becomes hardier. Artemisia is usually propagated by seed, sown in winter or in summer, and collected in late summer. It is often found growing along the roads, in the fields and in the wild, throughout temperate zones all over the world.
Parts Used
Mugwort and wormwood leaves are usually collected in the end of the summer, and later in the autumn the root is dug and dried. Processed leaves and sweetish root extracts are used for the herbal preparations or as food seasonings. Depending on the area of collection, mugwort is believed to have different medicinal properties.
At the herbal market Artemisia is represented by herbal teas, tinctures, dried roots and leaves, and pills. Mugwort ia also used as poultice, and wormwood is processed into the essential oil. Artemisia infusions are prescribed for menstrual disorders, decoction relieves menstrual pain, and tincture is helpful in excessive bleeding.
Artemisia species are rich in volatile oil, triterpenes, flavonoids, tannins and coumarin. Due to their beneficial action, the plant is associated with tonic, cardiac, nervine, vasodilatory, diuretic, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. Also, scientists extracted an active chemical, that they called artemisin, which has shown anti-malarial actions and thus have the potential to work as malaria remedy. In addition, plant's activity stimulates the production of the bile in the liver.
Health Benefits
Multiple benefits of Artemisia have been for centuries known in many regions of the world.
Historically and up untill now the plant have been used for a variety of digestive tract disorders. Soothing the inflammation of intestinal tissues, herbal extracts relieve diarrhea and constipation, decrease stomach pain and cramping, and aid digestion by boosting the supply of nutrients to the cells. Artemisia bitter generally improves digestion and stimulates appetite.
Herbal preparations of the plant are considered to be the liver tonic as well. They stimulate its cleansing by enhancing the draining of waste products with the help of the improved bile secretion. Artemisia is often used in jaundice and hepatitis treatment.
Anti-bacterial properties of Artemisia are applied for treating such conditions as parasitic and bladder infections, without damaging intestinal flora. It is especially effective against threadworn and ringworm.
Being helpful in severe cases of malaria, artemisin is also effective against the river blindness - debilitating disease spread in some regions of Africa. It kills organisms causing this condition and fights its symptoms.

Both in Eastern and Western medicine Artemisia is used for the reproductive system disorders. It decreases the bleeding in a prolonged menstrual cycle, warms the womb to enhance fertility, and soothes menstrual pain.

Nervine properties of mugwort help the patients with epileptic attacks, tension, and anxiety. Its mild narcotic effects can stop hysteria and shaking, as well as enhance a good sleep in case of sleep disorders. Its appetite-stimulating action is beneficial for the patients with depression who refuse to take meals.

Applied topically, mugworts alleviates bruises, itching, carbuncles and felons. If your legs and feet are swollen and tired, or affected by gout and rheumatism, a bath with Artemisia extract will relieve the symptoms of these conditions.
Since the plants of Artemisia genus are quite toxic, an experienced herbalist should be consulted as for dosage before using it for any kind of treatments.

 Got this articles from

Gotu kola (Hydrocotyle asiatica)

Gotu kola (Hydrocotyle asiatica)

Gotu Kola is a rejuvenative nervine recommended for nervous disorders, epilepsy, senility and premature aging. As a brain tonic, it is said to aid intelligence and memory. It strengthens the adrenal glands and cleanses the blood to treat skin impurities. It is said to combat stress and depression, increase libido and improve reflexes. It has also been indicated for chronic venous insufficiency, minor burns, scars, scleroderma, skin ulcers, varicose veins, wound healing, rheumatism, blood diseases, congestive heart failure, urinary tract infections, venereal diseases, hepatitis and high blood pressure.

In India, Gotu kola is regarded as perhaps the most spiritual of all herbs. Growing in some areas of the Himalayas, gotu kola is used by yogis to improve meditation. It is said to develop the crown chakra, the energy center at the top of the head and to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain, which the leaf is said to resemble. It is regarded as one of the most important rejuvenative herbs in Ayurvedic Medicine. Sri Lankans noticed that elephants, renowned for their longevity, munched on the leaves of the plant. Thus the leaves became known as a promoter of long life. It is said to fortify the immune system, both cleansing and feeding it and to strengthen the adrenals. It has been used as a pure blood tonic and for skin health. It has also been used to promote restful sleep. Gotu kola is often confused with kola nut. Due to this confusion, some people assume the rejuvenating properties of gotu kola are due to the stimulating effects of caffeine contained in kola nut. In fact, gotu kola is not related to kola nut and contains no caffeine.

Gotu Kola is a rejuvenative nervine recommended for nervous disorders, including epilepsy, senility and premature aging. As a brain tonic, it is said to aid intelligence and memory. It strengthens the adrenal glands while cleansing the blood to treat skin impurities. It is said to combat stress and depression, energize flagging mental powers, increase libido, ward off a nervous breakdown and improve reflexes. It energizes the central nervous system and rebuilds energy reserves.

Gotu Kola can relieve high blood pressure and helps the body defend against various toxins. It is used to treat rheumatism, blood diseases, congestive heart failure, urinary tract infections, venereal diseases, hepatitis and high blood pressure. It is a mild diuretic that can help shrink swollen membranes and aid in the elimination of excess fluids. It hastens the healing of wounds.

Gotu kola has a positive effect on the circulatory system. It improves the flow of blood while strengthening the veins and capillaries. It has been used successfully to treat phlebitis, leg cramps, and abnormal tingling of the extremities. It soothes and minimizes varicose veins and helps to minimize scarring.
It reduces scarring when applied during inflammatory period of the wound. It was found effective when applied on patients with third degree burns, when the treatment commenced immediately after the accident. Daily local application to the affected area along with intramuscular injections, limited the shrinking of the skin as it healed. It is known to prevent infection and inhibit scar formation. It is also useful in repairing skin and connective tissues and smoothing out cellulite.

The primary active constituent is triterpenoid compounds. Saponins (also called triterpenoids) known as asiaticoside, madecassoside, and madasiatic acid are the primary active constituents. These saponins beneficially affect collagen (the material that makes up connective tissue), for example, inhibiting its production in hyperactive scar tissue.

Due mostly to the actions of asiaticoside and madecassoside that it contains, gotu kola may prevent, delay and treat a condition known as chronic venous insufficiency. This occurs when valves in the veins that carry blood back to the heart are weak or damaged and blood collects in the veins of the legs. This collection of blood can lead to varicose veins, spider veins, or sores on the legs. More serious results can include blood clots in the legs. Asiaticoside and madecassoside may help keep veins and other blood vessels from leaking. Because it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, gotu kola may also be effective for slowing retinopathy, the gradual break down of the retina in the eyes. It may also help to relieve hemorrhoids. These same effects are thought to strengthen the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, making gotu kola potentially useful for treating ulcers.

Gotu kola has long been used in topical, oral, and injected forms to treat leprosy. In addition to its ability to heal the sores associated with leprosy, gotu kola may also have anti-bacterial properties. Evidence from studies shows that asiaticoside may damage the cell walls of the bacteria that cause leprosy. The weakened bacteria are easier for the body's immune system to eliminate.

Modern Studies
According to modern studies, gotu kola does offer support for healthy memory function. A study conducted in 1992 by K. Nalini at Kasturba Medical College showed an impressive improvement in memory in rats which were treated with the extract (orally) daily for 14 days before the experiment. The retention of learned behavior in the rats treated with gotu kola was three to 60 times better than that in control animals. Preliminary results in one clinical trial with mentally retarded children was shown to increase scores on intelligence tests (Bagchi, 1989). This does not mean gotu kola will improve intelligence for all special or normal children.
According to pharmacological studies, one outcome of gotu kola's complex actions is a balanced effect on cells and tissues participating in the process of healing, particularly connective tissues. One of its constituents, asiaticoside, works to stimulate skin repair and strengthen skin, hair, nails and connective tissue (Kartnig, 1988).
People interested in Gotu kola also read about these herbs:

Common Names
Gotu Kola, Brahmi, Chi-hsueh Ts'ao, man t'ien hsing, Indian Pennywort, Brahma-manduki, Marsh penny, Water pennywort.
Alterative, diuretic, febrifuge, nervine, rejuvenative

Chronic venous insufficiency, mental function, minor burns, scars, scleroderma, skin ulcers, varicose veins, wound healing, rheumatism, blood diseases, congestive heart failure, urinary tract infections, venereal diseases, hepatitis and high blood pressure, phlebitis, leg cramps, and abnormal tingling of the extremities. Improves circulation, strengthens veins and capillaries.

 Indicated for
Ayurvedic practitioners suggest the following applications for Gotu Kola: Adrenal purifier, AIDS, blood purifier, eczema, epilepsy, insanity, hypochondria, intermittent fevers, hair loss, immune system boost (cleansing and nourishing), longevity, memory, nervous disorders, psoriasis, senility, skin conditions (chronic and obstinate), tetanus, convulsions, elephantiasis, bowel disorders. Rejuvenative for brain cells and nerves and promotes intelligence.
Gotu kola may cause miscarriage if it is taken or applied during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid using it in any form.

Gotu Kola may raise cholesterol and blood sugar levels so individuals with high cholesterol or diabetes should not take or apply it.

Very little information is available on how gotu kola might affect an infant or a small child. Therefore, its use is not recommended while breast-feeding or during early childhood.

When we were little, our mother used to give us a brain tonic supplement so that we will get high grades in school. So I research what plants is good for the brain and maybe Goto Kula is the good example.

Medicinal Plants World

Balbas Pusa Scientific Name : Orthosiphon aristatus
Also known as:
Balbas-pusa (Filipino)
Kabling-parang (Pilipino)
Yaa-nuat-maeo (Thailand)
Cat's whisker (English)
Indian kidney tea (English)
Java tea (English)
Kidney tea (English)
Mao xu cao (Chinese)

pokok misai kucing (Malay)

Balbas pusa used for Lung Problems used to treat asthma, expectorant, bronchitis...(more)
Balbas pusa ointment Preparation
 step by step procedure to make Balbas pusa ointment ..(more)
Cat's whisker or Balbas pusa is a tropical herbaceous perennial plant that is native in Southeast Asia usually found in China, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand and even in Australia. Balbas pusa, commonly referred to as Java tea is a herb used as medicine for many centuries.
Orthosiphon aristatus (balbas pusa) is an erect, slender shrub that can grow 1-2 meters in height. The leaves are semi-deciduous, light to dark green in color and are borne in distant pairs that is about 5-10 cm long.. The stalk is reddish-brown, that is slightly puberulent. The flowers forms a pagoda like shaped with 5-6 cm long stamens that resembles a cat’s whiskers, hence the name 'balbas pusa' in tagalog and 'cat's whisker' in english. The color of the flowers varies from white to purplish.

Balbas Pusa, Herbal Medicine - Folkloric Health Benefits
Balbas pusa also popularly known as Java tea is widely used as folkloric herbal medicine for centuries . Balbas pusa is used as a treatment for the following ailments
  • renal inflammation, kidney stones and dysuria.
  • liver and bladder problems including bladder stones,
  • urinary tract infection,
  • diabetes,
  • rheumatism and gout.
  • reduction of cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • anti allergic, antihypertensive, and anti-inflammatory
  • diuretic or stimulates urine productiontudies - Medical Uses
Ingredients: Hedargenin, ß-sitosterol, ursolic acid, glycolic acid, methylripariochromene A.
Kidney Stones Treatment. Clinical trials have shown that in 40% of patients with kidney stones of 0.5 cm diameter that was subjected to orthosiphon indicated an improvement in six months. In a similar study, about In 20% of the patients with other kidney complaints were cured and the patients were free of pain and discomfort.
Diabetes Treatment. In a study conducted for Orthosiphon. Results have demonstrated that there is reduction in blood sugar level for non-insulin dependent diabetics after being subjected for treatment in six months. Orthosiphon also acts on hypertension (high blood pressure). It reduces water and therefore as it has no side effects it can be used in place of pharmaceutical diuretics whether these are potassium saving, uricosurics, or others. It also has a significant effect on high renal blood pressure. As a consequence of treating high blood pressure, kidney stones and disorders can also be cured.
Antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of Orthosiphon stamineus. In a clinical study in rats using methanol/water extract of orthosiphon have shown that orthosiphon exhibited antioxidant, lipid peroxidation inhibition and free radical scavenging activities into he rats' liver. (Basir R, Asmawi MZ, Ismail Z. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia)

Effects of Orthosiphon stamineus aqueous extract on plasma glucose concentration and lipid profile in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The study has shown that In oral glucose tolerance test, the extract (0.2-1.0 g/kg) significantly decreased plasma glucose concentration in
a dose-dependent manner in both normal and diabetic rats.(Sriplang K, Adisakwattana S, Rungsipipat A, Yibchok-Anun S.
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
A long-term study on the efficacy of a herbal plant, Orthosiphon grandiflorus, and sodium potassium citrate in renal calculi treatment. A was performed to compare the efficacy of a herbal plant, Orthosiphon grandiflorus (OG), and the drug sodium potassium citrate (SPC) in treatment of renal calculi. The study has shown that herbal tea prepared from orthosiphon plant taken for 18 months has significant reduction of renal stones and there were strong indications that symptoms related to renal problems has greatly improved.(Premgamone A, Sriboonlue P, Disatapornjaroen W, Maskasem S, Sinsupan N, Apinives C. Department of Community Medicine, Faculty Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
Antihypertensive substance in the leaves of kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus) in Java Island Among those thirteen substances, it was found that a major constituent in the water decoction of leaves, methylripariochromene A (5), exhibited a continuous decrease in systolic blood pressure after subcutaneous administration in conscious stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (Ohashi K, Bohgaki T, Shibuya H. Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ukuyama University, Hiroshima, Japan.)

Balbas Pusa, Java Tea Preparation
Balbas pusa or java tea is prepared awash s follows.

  • fresh or dried balbas pusa or cat's whisker leaves

  • chop then add in 4 cups of water for every 1 cup

  • let it boil for 10 to 15 minutes

  • Let it steep then strain.

  • Drink half cup of balbas pusa tea also known as java tea three times a day.

  • Balbas pusa tea concoction can be stored in suitable glass container for later consumption.
Java tea bags are also available in health stores. Follow the instructions in the label for safe use.

Java tea or balbas pusa tea has no known and reported contra indications with other drugs. While it is generally safe to take java tea of balbas pusa tea, prolonged intake is discourage as this may cause low sodium serum in the body. Intake is also discouraged during pregnancy since there is no conclusive study that has been done to determine its safe use during pregnancy.

I visited my ninang and I happened to see the plant and I asked her what kind of plant is that?  Balbas Pusa they made it as tea and she said its good for our kidney so I told her I'm going to research and look what I found.