Monday, August 5, 2013

La Pacho Tea Miracle Cure for CANCER

La Pacho is an herbal tea effective or preventative against viruses and many diseases which modern medicine can't cure.

Now, the modern medical reseraches, medical practitioners, the HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL AND THE PURDUE UNIVERSITY have listed La Pacho as an anti-cancer agent

Today, medical practitioners also use La pacho against all kinds of diseases.

It may hold the secret for the successful treatment of cancer and other diseases. There has been widely published article that whole La pacho has produced clinical anti-cancer effects without side effects.

Lapacho may be the most wondrous herb in all of nature. Through its inimitable nutritional composition which is governed by principles in nature, Lapacho naturally possesses mild anti-malarial, antibiotic, antiviral, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant and sedative effects.

Medicinal Uses

Immune system booster

Viral infection
Bacterial infection
Venereal and rheumatic disorders
Skin disorders, especially eczema, herpes and the mange.

Causing perspiration
Against high blood pressure
Insect stings
Stimulates Digestion


One woman in Utah who has been suffering with cancer for over a year, started taking the tea and found relief within a twenty four hour period. She said this was the first time she had felt human in months. She continues to take the tea daily and after several weeks is free from pain. It is too soon to know what benefit it is toward eliminating her cancer, but if she can get relief from her pain without taking drugs I am sure that she will always be grateful.

A man in Florida who has used the herb for several months. He was diagnosed as having prostate cancer and had suffered with it for over a year. He told me that he used the herb for thirteen days and noticed a feeling of well-being, but when he really noticed the benefits of the herb was when he stopped eating white sugar products and started taking vitamins and minerals along with his tea. It was then only fifteen days that he really noticed a change in his health. When I spoke to him in March, 1982 he told me that he was told by his doctors that his cancer is completely gone.

A man from Illinois had suffered from a gum disease called Pyorrhea which caused him a great deal of pain that usually developed into an abscess which meant a trip to the dentist where he lanced and drained the abscess and put him on antibiotics. He was really worried because Pyorrhea ends up in loose teeth which usually ends up having to pull the teeth. This man came across La pacho in November, 1981 and after using it for twenty-four hours found amazing results. The pain subsided, the swelling went down and the pus pocket was gone.

This wonderous herb has a regulatory action upon digestive functions, bolsters pancreatic function, stimulates the appetite and acts as a general tonic. Upon spreading throughout the body, it revitalizes it by creating new vital elements and new normal cells. It gives the body greater vitality by strengthening its organic defenses. As a blood tonic, Lapacho contributes to the proper assimilation of nutrients and elimination of wastes, thereby facilitating the orderly multiplication of cells.

Part of the effectiveness of La pacho may stem from its observed ability to stimulate the production of red blood cells in bone marrow. Lapacho is a blood builder which increases the hemoglobin content and the number of red corpuscles. Increased red blood cell production would improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. This, in turn, could have important implications for the health of tissues throughout the body.
Also needed for oxygen transport by red cells is iron. The bark contains a high percentage of assimilable iron. It can be taken in mass doses and combined with other medications. It can also be given to children as well.

As a detoxifier, La pacho acts upon the nervous system, to alleviate mild anxiety states. In its broad action, it puts the body in a defensive posture, giving it the energy it needs to naturally defend itself.

La pacho is also a very powerful antioxidant. In vitro trials show definite inhibition of free radicals and inflammatory leukotrienes by lapacho constituents. Anti-oxidants, or free-radical scavengers, have emerged as premier candidates for the role of healers and disease-preventers.

Dietemann Research Foundation, Inc., of Los Angeles, California, found in extract samples that La pacho is stimulating to the alimentary tract through the rectum and then back to the liver, gall bladder and sweat glands. The sweat glands are relief valves for the stomach, lungs and heart. The stimulation of this herb helps keep these glands open, operating well and warns the body when the adrenal glands are under stress.

My kumare, is suffering from yeast infection badly. Someone introduce here the La Pacho and it works well to her. It can cure several ailment and cancer. Wow what a plant.


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